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Monday 4 September 2017

Ten Indian superstitious beliefs that had logic behind them

There are certain beliefs and practices that Indians follow that has no logic behind them in today's world. These practices are being followed from many generations.

Sometimes we don't question what we do. We simply follow them because we have seen our elders doing the same, we unfortunately follow some practices without knowing the reason behind them. don't we? I am sure if we recollect our childhood days there have been situations where we asked our parents or relatives that why are we follow this practice and they asked us to keep shut and follow as they do. Probably because even they didn't question these practices when they were kids. But before following any practice or belief, we should always try to find the logic behind it. It will surely make life much easier instead of following things blindly .

Today we 'll find out the logic behind these practices and answer to why do we call these practices as superstitious now.

Ten Superstitious beliefs that had some logic behind them

 1.Hanging a lemon and 7 green chilies- We've noticed people hanging a lemon and 7 chilies in their shops, cars, houses etc.This is called as superstitious practice because people followed this to avert buri nazar. Have you wondered what convinced people to do that?  well it has a scientific reason behind it. The cotton thread that passes through chilies and lemon absorbs vitamin C, acids and other nutrients which is released into the air through vaporization. This is said to have significant health benefits and our ancestors made it an essential part of their rituals.

  2.Black cats crossing path causes bad luck - Back in old days people used to travel by carts that were pulled by the domesticated animals. These animals used to get scared and act weird when they sensed wild cats  like tigers, leopards and cheetahs crossing their paths. This has no significance today.

3.One should bathe after attending funerals- When vaccinations were not introduced people used to follow this practice in order to avoid infections of deadly and contagious diseases from the dead bodies.

4.Throwing coins in holy rivers for good luck- This is one of the most common practices that people follow. Earlier rivers used to be the main source of drinking water. When copper coin stays in water for long, it becomes beneficial for the one who drinks it. Hence it was followed.

5.Do not sleep with the head facing north- People believe that it invites ghosts or death and hence its a superstitious belief. According to science when we sleep with our head facing the north direction, our body's magnetic field becomes completely asymmetrical to the magnetic field of the earth which caused health problems.

6.Killing a spider causes bad luck- It has nothing to do with luck this was probably said in order to save the spiders, as  the silk produced by spider is used in many optical devices and laboratory instruments. Spider venom is used in neurological research as well and it may prevent permanent brain damage in stroke patients.

7.Do not trim nails after sun set- Earlier electricity was not easily available in houses so people used to trim their nails during the day by using sunlight as a source to see. It has no significance today

8.Do not sweep after sun set- This was practiced since electricity was not easily available so people used to sweep the house during the day. This has no significance today.

9.The Mourning family of the dead should not cook food until shraddh- This is followed by people so that the mourning family gets some rest and time to cope up with the emotional situation.

10.Eat curd and sugar before heading for important work- Science says that the consumption of curd and sugar has a cooling effect in stomach and it provides instant glucose. This works for a tropical region like India. 

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