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Monday 30 October 2017

Make your own favorite flavored green tea at home instantly and experience its benefits

The month of October and November brings in many infections with the change of season and festivals. The most common health issues that we face during this period are throat infections, cold and cough .
As travelers, we always carry a packet of green tea with us, as change of weather may cause uneasiness sometimes.

Having green tea once or twice a day can not only help you keep away from these infections, but also helps you gain other health benefits. These health benefits are as follows:
  1. If you have Type 2 diabetes, green tea can lower the amount of blood sugar spikes you experience.
  2. Green tea helps in getting rid of bad cholesterol while keeping the good cholesterol around. Green tea has a compound that blocks cholesterol absorption in the digestive tract and aids in excretion.
  3. According to a Swiss study, green tea boosts the memory area of the brain. Regular intake of green tea helps in protecting your brain against two of the most common neurological disorders namely Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  4. Drinking green tea can lower your chance of cavities and other related dental problems. The European Journal of Nutrition even claims drinking one or more cups every day will reduce the risk of losing teeth. Be cautious about adding honey, sugar, and other sweeteners to your green tea, which can quickly reverse these benefits.
  5. The drink can reduce not only your body weight but also your body fat percentage and waist circumference. Polyphenols in the green tea increase the rate in which your body transforms food into calories. The catechins generate heat in your body, which burns those calories. Besides breaking down fat and burning calories, green tea boosts your metabolism when combined with caffeine.
  6. It not only to prevent hair loss but also promote hair growth. Washing your hair with freshly-brewed yet cooled green tea can reduce dandruff and dry scalp problems. Rinse your hair with water about 10 minutes after using green tea.
  7. The polyphenols in green tea work as powerful antioxidants that shield your skin from harmful free radicals. Green tea not only fights against signs of aging but also treats skin ailments and promotes longevity. 
  8. Green tea helps repress angiotensin, which is just one cause of high blood pressure. The Archives of Internal Medicine did a study that revealed those who drank green tea, specifically one-half to two and a half cups a day for an entire year, reduced their chance of high blood pressure.
  9. Consuming green tea on a regular basis is linked to lowering the chance of osteoporosis and related fractures. The antioxidants in the beverage actually help prevent the loss of bone density and improve bone-building cells.
  10. Antioxidants in green tea are so powerful that they can help lower the chance of cancer.

If you want to make your own flavored green tea at home then, follow the steps below:
Things required:
  • Green tea leaves which are easily available online or in the market
  • 1 cup of water
  • one of these flavours : Ginger/mint/ lemongrass/lemon/tulsi
  • Honey (if required)
  1. Boil one cup of water.
  2. Add green tea leaves (1/4th teaspoon for 1 cup) in boiling water
  3. Choose and add one of these flavours like Ginger/mint/ lemongrass/lemon/tulsi (add according to your taste)
  4. Turn off the flame. You may add 1 teaspoon honey as a sweetener if required.
  5. Cover the utensil for 2 minutes
  6. Serve the tea
Make sure that you consume 1 to 2 cups of green tea in a day only. Do not consume it empty stomach.
-The Roving Feet

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